

Cheyenne Brown, Editor-in-Chief, Griffin Writes

On November 3rd the presidential candidates, along with the rest of the United States, began the anxious wait for the results of the 2020 presidential election. Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald J. Trump were presidential nominees competing for the people’s vote. The 2020 election will determine who will represent the thousands of American under the title of president for a total of 1,461 days, or one term. Each candidate has their own set of beliefs that represent the views of their political parties. The current situation is at a stalemate. With the ballots already cast, the countdown begins.

Democratic presidential candidate; Joe R. Biden Jr.

Joe Biden was the longest serving senator from Delaware, as well as Vice President of the United States in 2009- 2017. Biden’s campaign is based on three visionary ideas: the need to rebuild the country’s backbone; demonstrate respected leadership on the world stage; and to ensure that the democracy includes all peoples of the United States.

Racial struggles have been an ever-rising conflict that recently received major attention after the

death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, as a result of police brutality.

Racial equity is a key pillar in Biden’s “build back better “plan. He does not support the calls to defund the police; instead, his focus is on reform. The reform would include additional funding to the police to establish new training approaches for officers and additional resources such as body cameras.

In the article, “Biden says he doesn’t support defunding police,” published on June eighth, 2020 on CNN Politics, writers Eric Bradner, Sarah Mucha and Donald Judd state, “Biden has called an additional $300 million in funding for the Community-Oriented Policing Services program, which would allow more officers to be hired and would pay for training on community policing approaches.”

Biden also plans to edit the current immigration policies that have been set in place. Biden seeks to modernize America’s immigration system, tackle root causes of irregular migration, and reassert America’s commitment to asylum seekers and refugees. Biden opposes decriminalizing crossing the border without documentation, but the undocumented immigrants without criminal records should not be the focus of deportation.

“I think people should have to get in line,” Biden said in an interview with CNN in July 2019, “but if people are coming because they’re actually seeking asylum, they should have a chance to make their case.”

Biden believes that health care is a right for all. He seeks to provide an affordable and less complex health care system that every American would have access to. Biden is in support of the affordable healthcare act and stands to protect it. The former Vice President’s health care plan expands upon Obamacare through subsidies to make health care less expensive. A new “public option” would be implemented with features akin to that of Medicare.

We should not be starting from scratch.” Biden said on February 10, 2020, while attending the rally in Dover, New Hampshire, “We should be building from what we have. There’s no time to wait.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that while in public settings wearing a face cover would help slow transmission of the highly contagious coronavirus. Biden has reportedly stated that he would do everything in his power in order to issue a national mask mandate. Additionally, Biden’s “build back better” plan seeks to rebuild the American economy after the pandemic. His plan will include providing healthcare workers and the community the tools that are essential to do their jobs safely.

In the article, “Meet the Candidates: Joe Biden,” published on February 19, 2020 on News ELA, it states, “Biden’s agenda would include a $700 billion investment in American industries such as tech and medicine. The plan would focus on job creation to combat high unemployment numbers as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.”

Climate change is still relevant in 2020 among other causes for concern. If elected, Biden plans for the United States to reenter the Paris Climate Accord. Biden believes that the U.S. needs to embrace greater ambition to properly address this challenge, and that the environment and economy are completely and totally connected. The Green New Deal represents these beliefs. The plan calls for an end to government actions that lower the cost of fossil fuel energy and prohibits any new oil or gas permits on public lands.

In a video titled, “Biden Plan for a Clean Energy Revolution & Environment Justice,” Posted on his campaign site Biden said, “It outlines what we have to do to meet this challenge head-on, and how we’re going to get there,” Biden said in a video titled, “Biden Plan for a Clean Energy Revolution & Environment

Justice,” Posted on his campaign site, “We’re going to invest $1.7 trillion in securing our future, so that, by 2050, the United States will be a 100 percent clean energy economy with net zero emissions.”

In that same video Biden said, “As President, I will lead America- and the world -not only to confront the crisis in front of us- but to seize the opportunity it presents.”

Republican presidential candidate; 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

President Donald J. Trump became the 45th president in the presidential election of 2016 and has served for one term. Prior to his political career he lived life through his endeavors in business. Trump’s campaign is centered on his mission statement; “We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And we will Make America Great Again.”

Trump declared himself as, “your president of law and order” in the nationwide protests against racism and police brutality. He has reproved efforts to defund the police viewing them as disrespectful to their line of work. Trump instead pushes to increase training in de-escalation and banning excessive force unless authorized.

“The vast majority of police officers are selfless and courageous public servants.” Trump said at the Rose Garden address on June 16, 2020, “When others run away from danger, police run straight into harm’s way; often putting their lives at stake to protect someone whom they don’t know.”

In his 2016 campaign trump promised a wall on the border between the united states and Mexico. The wall is planned to be 722 miles long; the administration has secured 445 miles worth of funding; and 100 miles has already been constructed. He is also endorsing immigration policies000. On February second of this year the administration reported that the U.S. faces its lowest rate of illegal crossing within the last two years, with less than 40,000 cases.

According to the “Trump Administration Immigration Policy Priorities” briefing statement, Trump plans to integrate a point-based system for legal immigrants and restrict sponsorship extended from legal residents to only include spouses and children under the age of 18.

Trump agrees with the coalition of Republican attorneys, who believe the affordable healthcare act to be considered unconstitutional. The Coalition considers it as such due to congress repealing the individual coverage mandate, which required citizens to obtain health insurance to prevent unfavorable disadvantages directed towards certain parties of individuals. He aims to repeal the affordable healthcare act for above reason; he has yet to be successful but has been able to weaken it. The 45th president is focusing his efforts on drug pricing and in 2018 he presented his plans in order to reach said goal.

According to CNN Politics, “Donald Trump 2020: Polls, news and on the issues,” it states, “In an effort to lower health costs overall, the administration also issued a rule requiring hospitals to lower health care costs overall. The administration also issued a rule requiring hospitals to post the rates they negotiate privately with health insurers, starting 2021.”

On October first, 2020, the Trump administration announced that $20 Billion of additional funding would be invested in frontline providers for the pandemic. Health official under the administration have encouraged the use of masks and social distancing while in public settings. Trump has expressed that he doesn’t believe that issuing a national mask mandate is necessary.

I want people to have a certain freedom, and I don’t believe in that,” Trump said in an interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace, “And I don’t agree with the statement that if everybody would wear a mask, everything disappears.”

On June first, 2017, Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Accord; believing that the agreement was disadvantageous to the states. A study from the National Economic Research Associates demonstrates that by adhering to the terms of the Accord, 2.7 million jobs may be lost by the year of 2025. Alternatively, Trump proposed the Affordable Clean Energy Rule. The objective is to reduce greenhouse gasses, empower states, promote energy independence, and facilitate economic growth and job creation.

He has also joined the 1 Trillion trees initiative.

“I will work to ensure that America remains the world’s leader on environmental issues,” Trump said at an event at the White House Rose Garden on June First, 2017, “but under a framework that is fair and where the burdens and responsibilities are equally shared among the many nations all around the world.”

“I will work to ensure that America remains the world’s leader on environmental issues,” Trump said at an event at the White House Rose Garden on June First, 2017, “but under a framework that is fair and where the burdens and responsibilities are equally shared among the many nations all around the world.”S