Dismissal procedures altered due to utility repairs

Elizabeth Payton, Staff Writer

On Thursday Nov. 29, administration sent teachers an email shortly after fourth block began. The email explained that although there was a gas leak outside of the East side of the school, natural gas testing deemed the inside of the school safe and dismissal procedures would be adjusted accordingly.

Student drivers and students who were driven home were dismissed at 1:50 p.m., allowing the student parking lot to be clear for buses to park there. Students who rode the bus were dismissed around 2:15 p.m. to the West side entrance.

Administrator Jared Barge commented on yesterday’s incident:

“We had professionals handle the situation yesterday and if at any point school safety was in jeopardy, you and I would have been evacuated, and today you wouldn’t be here. You would be at home or in another building if necessary. Safety is our number one concern.”

According to Barge, the gas leak was promptly fixed after it was discovered and administration was informed that the hole in the East parking lot would be fixed sometime today or tomorrow.