“Griffin Rites,” the student magazine dedicated to informing readers about events, people and news that impact Griffins and reflect the Winnetonka High School community, returns as a fully online publication with a new look.
Over the years, the magazine appeared as a broadsheet newspaper, a newsprint mini-mag in newsprint and a 4-color, glossy magazine. As print publications fall away and more and more people look to online sources for their news, the staff decided to follow this trend and become an online-only magazine.
Our staff conducted a survey in September to learn what Griffins want and need from their publications. With 25 people responding, 32% of respondents knew that TonkaNews.com existed and only 24% remembered “Griffin Rites”paper publications. With that, the magazine’s staff decided that this is the perfect time for a reimagining, revitalization and reboot of “Griffin Rites” magazine under the TonkaNews.com website.
Though the changes may be slow, our small staff hopes to meet audience needs. Important school news and events as well as a photos of the week/month topped the coverage wish lists for survey respondents.
Earlier this semester, Editor-in-Chief and junior Kaylin Cook implemented a ticker-tape event announcement that runs at the top of the website’s landing page. In addition, she created a new masthead from a bulky red and yellow typeface to a more streamlined and classic typeface and style. These changes help the publication feel lighter, cleaner and contemporary as well as provide a quick way to be “in the know” about upcoming events.
Cook continues to add widgets and organize the site so that viewer can quickly find the information they need. In addition, links to N2Sports,”Tonka Talks”/WGTV, “Odyssey” yearbook and ad purchase, the Griffin Grounds menu and lunch menus will hit the website soon. Polls and surveys, tutoring information and study tips, feature stories, personality profiles, student editorials and reviews remain in the works.
If you have a story idea or would like to contribute as a writer or photographer with a news article, feature story, cartoon, recurring column, photo or review, see adviser Aimee O’Connell in C22.
We still have a long way to go, but wanted to share our progress.
With a small, but growing staff, the changes will take time, but we look forward to being the go-to publication for the Tonka Nation.