Derek Walsh

10 Qs with Gabriella Mathews

  1. Why do you think you were nominated for prom king/queen?

“I don’t know really. I try to be nice to everyone and I try to branch out for knowing a lot of people so that’s probably why.”


  1. What does the title of prom king/queen mean to you?

“It’s a huge honor just to be nominated. I just feel so honored but it’s really cool that people thought of me to nominate me and I’m really excited about it.”


  1. What’s your favorite and least favorite part of being nominated?

“That I get to wear a tiara, but my least favorite part is that it’s not as hyped as homecoming is for candidates. I wish it was and wish we got an assembly and different things.”


  1. What are you involved in?

“I’m involved FCCLA, throughout my high school years I’ve been involved in sports, such as cheerleading, dive, swimming different things. I am involved in guitar club and that’s pretty much it.”


  1. What are your plans after high school?

“I plan on going to college and becoming a FACS teacher so like family and consumer sciences and I’m really excited about that. I’m going to Maple Woods for my first year or two and then I plan on going to UCM.”


  1. What is your advice to underclassmen?

“My advice to underclassmen…that’s difficult. I know it’s pretty cliche, everyone says this, don’t procrastinate. I’m even procrastinating right now and that’s the biggest thing but also just take care of yourself.


  1. What has been the most important thing you’ve learned in high school?

“That friendships change and people change and that’s okay. It’s a part of life and it’s never going to stop happening and it’s sometimes a good thing.”


  1. Is there anything else you’d like to add?

“I don’t know. I’m just honored to be nominated. It’s really cool, it’s exciting and all the other candidates I’m nominated against are pretty cool people too, so yeah.”


  1. What is it like to know you’re graduating in less than 20 school days?

“It’s exciting but it’s scary. I’m ready to go but I’m not at the same time because I’ve been here for four years and it’s weird to go to one place for four years and not come back after and it’s just crazy.”


  1. If you could change one thing that you’ve done in high school, what would it be?

“I probably would’ve been more involved I probably would’ve been a part of more clubs and more sports and activities but between working and other things I really didn’t and I wish I would’ve done that.”

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