Juniors and seniors are preparing to attend Prom 2018 this Saturday, April 21, at Arrowhead Stadium. Nine seniors will be presented to the attendees as prom candidates, having been nominated at last Friday’s spring assembly. At the assembly, their names were announced and they received paper crowns to symbolize their royal recognition. Midway through the prom dance, two will be crowned prom king and queen for 2018. Find out a little more about each of them in the interviews that follow.

10 Qs with Cameron Daniel
10 Qs with Danielle Dodd
10 Qs with Rana Ekilah
10 Qs with Dara Fitzmaurice
10 Qs with Parham Habibi
10 Qs with Andrew Hedrick
10 Qs with Gabriella Mathews
10 Qs with Jonathan Orr
10 Qs with Kennedi Walker

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